Adam Naamani

eXp Shareholder Summit Takeaways

eXp World Holdings, Inc. capped off its 2021 shareholder summit in the EXPI Campus, with world-renowned speakers from all walks of life sharing their journeys to success. The list included names like Grant Cardone, John Salley, Jamie Kern Lima, and Tim Storey. Even The Magnificent DJ Jazzy Jeff was in the house to play tunes for a COVID safe avatar dance party. What resonated most with me was the common thread found in every major success story. It always comes down to hard-work, discipline, routine, and consistency. Daily dedication to achieving what it is you set out to do, without compromise. These are some of my favorite moments from the summit.
Grant Cardone
Cardone, who said he didn't initially do well in his first 5 sales jobs, is now ranked the #1 sales and marketing trainer in the world, bestselling author of the 10X Rule, and a real estate mogul who built his $1.9 billion portfolio of multifamily properties from scratch:
"If a customer asks you to lower your fee, you didn't overdeliver."
Jamie Kern Lima
Lima started IT cosmetics in her living room, and later sold the company to L'Oreal for $1.2 billion. She rose to the top after being rejected by an investor, based solely on her appearance:
"There are moments in all of our lives and how we handle rejection or the word ‘no.’ These are defining moments of our lives. People talk themselves out of their dreams. Hearing no is equating to self-doubt."
John Salley
The 15-year NBA veteran who won four championships with three different teams, and never missed a day of practice in his teenage years:
"I had to sacrifice my teenage years when people were out experimenting with cannabis, drinks, drugs and chasing girls, I had to go to practice. I literally played every single day. There wasn’t a day I missed from 10th grade to 12th grade. Whether it was snowing, raining or race riots, no matter what. I grabbed a basketball and played. What I knew is if I worked harder than anyone else in my circle, someone would see it and I could make it."
Tim Storey
The final keynote speaker was Tim Storey. An acclaimed author, speaker, and life coach that came from humble roots in Compton, to inspiring and motivating millions of people across 75 countries. In order to have what he calls a "Miracle Mentality", he highlighted 5 necessary traits:
  • Think uncommon thoughts. 
  • Make uncommon plans.
  • Take uncommon risks: sit and learn, stand on what you've learned, walk out what you've learned, run with passion, and begin to soar. Your life is going to get so good, it's going to get weird. Your mentality becomes your reality.
  • Have uncommon discipline: Don't do a halfway job. Discipline is not always shown in the light, but in the dark. Uncommon discipline will take you to uncommon places. The harvest is coming.
  • Have uncommon resilience.
"It's so tempting to sit and settle in a setback. If you don't do something with life, life will do something with you."